People who look different from oneself, who live and love differently, are currently working hard to fight for their opportunities. Understanding this, in our opinion, is a challenge across generations, as the worldview and experiences of a 25-year-old, for example, greatly differ from those of a 50-year-old or 80-year-old.
In the 80s, individuals perceived to be homosexual were beaten up on school grounds. Women with short haircuts were criticized, and ‘lesbian’ was used as an insult, even though it often had nothing to do with the person’s sexuality. ‘That’s retarded’ was said (sometimes still today) when someone didn’t like something. And those who wear a headscarf also face discrimination and rejection today.
Even thoughts are judged – Einstein was a typical free thinker (this has nothing to do with COVID), and suddenly it has become an insult.
Some of our employees have personally experienced racism and exclusion.
Aus Überzeugung setzen wir uns für eine Gesellschaft ein, die sich in Toleranz und Chancengleichheit übt.
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der das zumindest in Deutschland und weiten Teilen Europas zum Common Sense wird: Geschlecht, Herkunft, Hautfarbe, Religion, sexuelle Orientierung sollen frei gewählt werden dürfen, friedlich und gewaltfrei.
Die IT ist ein buntes Feld mit lauter interessanten Leuten, aus allen Teilen der Welt und mit verschiedensten Ansichten.
Was uns stark macht und verbindet, ist auch unsere Liebe zur Technik. Als Softwareingenieure*innen erschaffen wir eine bessere Welt im Computer.
Lasst uns auch dort draußen eine schönere Welt bauen.